Baking soda blasting presents a low abrasive, food grade, biodegradable process for a variety of blasting applications from automobile paint stripping, mold and fire and soot damage remediation, copper sheeting renewal, cleaning boat hulls, fiberglass paint removal and food equipment cleaning.
Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, the same product sold in grocery stores. The properties that make it good to absorb odors in your refrigerator are some of its strength in removing odors after fire damage, during mold remediation and in cleaning kitchen or food processing facilities.
While it is an abrasive product, it is a low-level abrasive a 2.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. For comparison diamonds are a 10, and walnut shells are a 4.5, so it is one of the least abrasive media types we use. Because it is relatively soft, it does not generate significant heat upon impact with the blasted surface, so it does not warp metals (for example, on a car body panel) or damage copper. It is approved by the USDA for use around food and dissolves in water.
On the other hand, baking soda creates an extremely fine dust, in large quantities, so it can be a real mess to control. Additionally, it takes a specialty blasting system, it will not work in a normal sandblasting pot. When mixed with water, which we use to control the dust, it has a high ph content, and can damage foliage and yards when used outdoors.
Indigo uses baking soda routinely to strip defective paint from OEM brake rotors, cleaning aircraft turbines, fiberglass paint removal, stripping car body panels, fire damage and cleaning production molds.
Great for these applications:
- Paint
- Graffiti
- Stains
- Mold
- Odors
- Soot
- Fire Damage on Wood